On Saturday, 28 December 2024, a bushfire was reported near Brand Highway and Kailis Drive in Yardarino, and the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) declared an Emergency Warning for the area, which encompassed the Waitsia Gas Field.
MEPAU worked closely with DFES, activating emergency response procedures and evacuation plans with onsite teams across the gas field, and on Sunday 29 December, all personnel were evacuated from the Waitsia Gas Field area to Perth to wait until the ‘all clear’ was given.
We thank the 178+ people who were on the ground, working tirelessly to manage the fire risk, including the volunteer firefighters, DFES, local farmers, emergency services personnel, Shire of Irwin staff and many others; and thank the community for providing support and encouragement to those on the frontline keeping the community safe.