Schedule of Activities
Our projects in the Perth Basin cover the various stages of project life-cycle. Following are anticipated timings for key activities. Please note, timings provided are indicative only and subject to change.
Waitsia Stage 1: Production
Production continues. Xyris Production Facility capacity is 30 Terajoules (TJ)/day.
Waitsia Stage 2: Construction of Waitsia Gas Plant
Waitsia Gas Plant Facility will have 250TJ/day capacity.
Scheduled for completion Q2 2025.
Waitsia Gas Field: Site Preparation & well pad construction
Wells Eremia-08, Waitsia-14 and Arenaria-01
Scheduled October 2024 - January 2025.
Flowline and hub construction activities
Connecting to existing gas gathering system
Timing to be advised.
L1/L2: Arenaria-1
Exploration well
Anticipated to commence March 2025.
EP455, L4, L5: Stockyard
2D Seismic Survey
Scheduled March/April pending approvals.
EP413: Arrowsmith
Airborne Surveys - AGG and Apis AMAG (Part 1)
Completed December 2023.
L4/L5 well: Woodada-12
Plug & Abandonment activities
Woodada-12 to commence P&A from 15 January.
L4/L5 well: Woodada-15
Plug & Abandonment activities
Woodada-15 anticipated to commence end of January 2025.
Dongara Production Facility
In 'Care and Maintenance'. Operations have ceased.
Processing equipment was decommissioned, removed and recycled early in 2021.
Hovea Production Facility
In 'Care and Maintenance'. Operations have ceased.
Processing equipment was decommissioned, removed and recycled early in 2021.
Woodada Production Facility
In 'Care and Maintenance'. Operations have ceased.
Processing equipment was decommissioned, removed and recycled early in 2021.