Our Vision

Our Vision is to be a leader in cleaner energy solutions, and consistently demonstrate operational excellence, safety performance and our commitment to the communities in which we operate.

Our Values - what MEPAU upholds in everything we do

We think and act according to our values


Safety takes precedence in everything we do.


We act in an honest and ethical manner, holding ourselves accountable for doing what we say that we will do. We are trustworthy, dependable and respectful to our colleagues and stakeholders alike.


We embrace diversity and open mindedness, recognising that partnering with our colleagues and stakeholders achieves the best outcomes. Together, we acknowledge and celebrate success.


We challenge ourselves to be creative and innovative, generating value adding solutions through flexible thinking and open communication. We are courageous in our thinking and accept new ideas as opportunities to learn.


We strive for excellence in all that we do. We commit to delivering the highest standards in our technical and environmental solutions for the benefit of our people, stakeholders, Traditional Custodians, and the communities in which we work.

Investing in Australia’s future of energy

MEPAU is actively exploring, appraising, developing and producing gas in a number of locations in the Mid West of Western Australia.

Our portfolio in Australia includes assets in the Perth Basin, Exmouth sub-Basin and Browse Basin (Western Australia), Otway Basin and Gippsland Basin (Victoria), and the Bowen Basin (Queensland).

Future Focus

Australia’s future energy supplier

MEPAU is invested in establishing a responsible, reliable and sustainable supply of energy.