Mid West Community Grants

The Mid West Community Grant Program is available up to two times per year for funding requests. Applicants may apply for up to $4,000 or 100% of the project (whichever is the lesser).

The Program is funded by Mitsui E&P Australia (MEPAU) and joint venture partner Beach Energy, the Waitsia Gas Project joint venturers.

The next round of applications will be open from 1 April 2025 until 1 May 2025.

Eligible applicants

What we fund

MEPAU welcomes applications for grants that relate to or support one or more of MEPAU’s key areas of support:

  • Education, Skills Development & Training – opportunities to promote work readiness and employment for persons living in the Mid West region of Western Australia, particularly science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) topics;
  • Employment and pre-employment training opportunities for Mid West communities, particularly those where MEPAU has a presence (such as the Shires of Irwin, Coorow and Carnamah, and the City of Greater Geraldton), especially initiatives that benefit youth and local Indigenous persons;
  • Local community safety, health and fitness, and mental wellbeing; and
  • Locally-based environmental and natural resources projects.
Sponsorship and grant application information

Before you apply for a Mid West Community Grant

Before completing an application form to request a Mid West Community Grant, please ensure you have read the Information for Applicants and Terms and Conditions.

Queries relating to the Mid West Community Grant Program may be sent to contact@mepau.com.au.


Before applying

It is important to note that MEPAU will only provide grants to projects/activities that relate to or support one or more of MEPAU’s identified key areas of support.

MEPAU will not fund any program that conflicts with our code of conduct or our regulatory, licensing or any other statutory commitment.

MEPAU will not fund any program that is for:

  • Individuals – including funding (or part funding) medical costs, the employment of individuals (FTE), or any other individual personal initiative;
  • Political organisations or campaigns;
  • Religious organisations for religious activities;
  • Private companies or commercial entities with no clear community priority;
  • Activities which encourage the irresponsible use of alcohol or promote gambling, drinking, smoking or any substance abuse;
  • Membership of organisations;
  • Marketing and branding opportunities;
  • Retrospective funding;
  • Budget deficits, operating, staff and human resourcing, or administrative costs (e.g. wages);
  • Travel costs;
  • Activities requiring ongoing operating funds or which create financial dependency on MEPAU;
  • Activities which may present a reputational risk for MEPAU;
  • Activities which are usually exclusively funded by government; and/or
  • Organisations that have not fulfilled previous sponsorship and/or grant agreements.
  • Any organisation adversely identified by any MEPAU compliance guideline.

Mid West Community Grant Application Form
Applications are open 1 April 2025 - 1 May 2025

Mid West Community GrantsFields marked with * are required.